LazyMailScraper v0.1.0 Documentation

Categories: Python Script

LazyMailScraper v0.1.0 is a lightweight, graphical email scraping tool built with Python. It randomly generates domain names, retrieves WHOIS data, and extracts email addresses associated with those domains. It features a minimalistic GUI using Tkinter and supports saving the scraped emails to a text file.

LazyMailScraper Email Scraper Made with Python


  1. Random Domain Generation: Uses the Random Word API to generate random domain names.
  2. Email Extraction: Scrapes email addresses from WHOIS records of the generated domains.
  3. Keyword Filtering: Filters and identifies valid email addresses based on popular domain patterns.
  4. GUI Interface:
    • Start scraping with a button click.
    • View scraped email addresses in a scrollable text widget.
    • Select, copy, or clear text directly from the GUI.
  5. File Saving: Automatically saves valid email addresses to email_list.txt.


  1. Python 3.6 or later.
  2. Required Python libraries:
    • os
    • requests
    • tkinter
    • whois
    • pyautogui
    • threading
  3. Internet connection (for accessing APIs and WHOIS data).


  1. Clone or download the project repository.
  2. Install the required Python libraries:


    Copy code

    pip install requests python-whois pyautogui

  3. Save the script file (e.g.,


  1. Run the script:



    Copy code


  2. Use the GUI to start scraping emails:

    • Start Scraping: Click the "FIND RANDOM EMAILS" button.
    • Select All: Highlight all text in the output area.
    • Copy All: Copy the highlighted text to the clipboard.
    • Clean: Clear the output area.
  3. Scraped emails are saved in email_list.txt in the same directory.

Code Walkthrough

1. Core Components

  • Random Domain Generation: Fetches random words from the Random Word API and appends .com to form domain names.
  • WHOIS Lookup: Retrieves WHOIS data for generated domains using the whois library.
  • Email Parsing: Extracts emails based on common email provider keywords.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • Built using Tkinter with a dark-themed design.
  • Includes interactive buttons:
    • "FIND RANDOM EMAILS": Initiates the email scraping process.
    • "Select All", "Copy All", "Clean": For managing output text.

3. Multithreading

  • The email scraping process runs in a separate thread to keep the GUI responsive.

File Structure

  • email_list.txt: Contains all saved email addresses.

Example Workflow

  1. Launch the program.
  3. Wait for the scraper to populate the output area with email addresses.
  4. Use the "Copy All" button to copy the emails or locate them in email_list.txt.


  1. Relies on the Random Word API, which might rate-limit excessive requests.
  2. The accuracy of WHOIS email data depends on domain registrar configurations.
  3. May not handle errors gracefully if network issues occur.

Future Enhancements

  1. Add support for more TLDs (e.g., .org, .net).
  2. Include error logs for better debugging.
  3. Enhance the GUI with progress indicators and settings for user customization.
  4. Implement rate-limiting to avoid exceeding API restrictions.

LazyMailScraper v0.1.0 is an excellent starting point for exploring email scraping and WHOIS lookups in Python. Its intuitive GUI and basic functionality make it a handy tool for small-scale email discovery projects.

LazyMailScraper v0.1.0 Source Code on GitHub



import os
import requests
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

import whois
from threading import Thread
import pyautogui

# Made By
# Published in 12/18/2024

def commandLineConsole():

def mainP():
    def findEmails():
        while True:
                msg = ""
                r = requests.get('')
                old_string = str(r.text)
                new_string = old_string.strip('[""]')
                word = str("{}".format(new_string) + ".com")

                    w = whois.whois(word)
                    wp = str(w.emails)
                    wp = wp.strip('[]')
                    wp = wp.replace("'", "")  # Remove single quotes
                    wp = wp.replace(", ", "\n")  # Separate emails with newline character

                    email_keywords = [
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                        '', '', '', ''

                    for keyword in email_keywords:
                        if keyword in wp:
                            commandLine.insert(tk.END, wp)
                            commandLine.insert(tk.END, "\n")
                            save_emails(wp)  # Save the emails to a text file
                    commandLine.insert(tk.END, msg)
                commandLine.insert(tk.END, msg)

    def save_emails(emails):
        with open('email_list.txt', 'a') as file:
            file.write(emails + '\n')

    t = Thread(target=findEmails)

def select_all():
    commandLine.tag_add("sel", "1.0", "end")
    commandLine.tag_config("sel", background="#000000", foreground="#FFFFFF")

def copy_select():
    pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')

def delete():
    commandLine.delete('sel.first', 'sel.last')

root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(0, 0)
root.title("LazyMailScraper v0.1.0")

label1 = tk.Label(root, text="CLICK ON THE BUTTON TO START SCRAPING THE WEB FOR EMAILS", background="#090909",
button1 = tk.Button(root, text="FIND RANDOM EMAILS", background="#090909", foreground="#00ff00",

frame1 = tk.Frame(root)
commandLine = tk.Text(frame1, height=15, width=70, background="#2f2f2f", foreground="#00ff00")

scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, command=commandLine.yview)

scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill=tk.Y)
commandLine['yscrollcommand'] = scrollbar.set

label2 = tk.Label(root, text="", background="#090909", foreground="#00ff00", font=("Arial", 10, "bold")) # LET SEE

button2 = tk.Button(root, text="Select All", background="#090909", foreground="#00ff00", command=select_all)
button3 = tk.Button(root, text="Copy All", background="#090909", foreground="#00ff00", command=lambda: copy_select())
button4 = tk.Button(root, text="Clean", background="#090909", foreground="#00ff00", command=delete)
